Science Stream

    Commerce Stream

    PB: All applications must be accompanied by :
    1. Attested copy of the certificate in proof of date of birth.
    2. Photocopy of AISSE/SSLC/Equivalent Board Examination Marks sheet showing the performance of the ward duly attested by the gazetted officer or the head of the institution in which he/she has studied.
    3. School progress report - Std X or Certificate of School-Based Evaluation.

    Admissions for the upcoming academic year at Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary School [CBSE ], Thiruvananthapuram are now open. Students' enrollment is based on their previous academic performance and an aptitude test. Lower KG admissions take place in January of the preceding academic year as per the school's regulations. Availability of seats and performance in the aptitude test will determine admissions to other standards, with the aptitude test typically held during the last week of April or the first week of May. Apply now to secure your child's admission to Amrita Vidyalayam Senior Secondary School(CBSE), Thiruvananthapuram.


    All of us are indeed blessed by the presence of our Beloved Mother, Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi in our midst. It is indeed great good fortune that your child has got an opportunity to study in an institution established with Her blessings and to grow under Her benevolent influence. Amma inspires the multitude that throng and long for Her soothing and compassionate presence, to lead a nobler life with an ideal to aspire and fulfill. She transforms people’s self-centered existence into a more meaningful one- dedicated to selfless service and many a time, into the search of the Supreme.

    Her unconditional and transforming love and its deep effect on us is more than words could ever convey; to understand this, you have to experience it for yourself; we would therefore ask you to visit our Ashram along with your family at the first opportunity and take darshan of Amma and receive Her blessings.

    We welcome any help, expertise, or advice in developing any aspect/activity related to the school or any other charitable activities of the Math. Also, as an act of charity, parents are encouraged, if they are able or willing, to sponsor partly, or wholly, the education of poor children.

    The parent shall read the following rules & regulations and shall confirm and undertake to abide by them.
    1. The mainstay of our culture is the reverence and respect for our traditional knowledge and heritage and the resultant preservation of values of life. Chanting of the School Prayers, Bhagavad Gita and other such texts promotes value education and character building. Children are directed away from the self-destructive lifestyles and self-centered materialistic existences to one based on values giving them the dedication and focus to achieve their life’s ambitions.

    2. Value education and life skills education are made part of our curriculum. Promotion criteria is based on the grades obtained for the internal assessments.

    3. Attendance for all celebrations conducted in school (even on a holiday) is compulsory for students and, when invited, for parents.

    4. Non-vegetarian food is not permissible within the school campus.

    5. Yoga & meditation, as and when introduced, will be compulsory.

    6. All circulars shall be acknowledged and promptly responded to. Please inform the class teacher in writing when there is a change in the address/telephone number.

    7. All co-operation and help shall be extended to implement school programmes such as class projects, community work, socially useful productive work (SUPW),etc.

    8. Fee shall be accepted during office hours and only on the appointed dates as given in the school diary or as otherwise notified.

    9. The fee structure of the school is decided as per the recommendations of the School Managing Committee and in consensus with the bye laws of the CBSE or respective Board or Council as the case may be. The same would be binding on all parents and no further change is possible once it comes into effect.

    10. Even though it is not obligatory on the part of students to get the supplies from the school store,strict adherence to the colour & pattern of the uniform will be insisted upon.

    11. No teaching staff shall be engaged for tuition without the permission of the Principal.

    12. Teaching methodology, academic evaluation, etc. will be modified as per the guidelines of CBSE/ICSE or respective Board as the case may be. All support and co-operation is expected for these changes.

    13. After the first and second term examinations, the Principal at her/his discretion will call for class-wise or division-wise parents to discuss about the academic and co-scholastic aspects of the students or an open house. The Principal’s decision in the above said matter will be final and binding.

    14. The School Managing Committee (SMC) is the ONLY approved forum to interact with the management. No other forum or association will be recognized by the management. The management will not entertain any issues raised by any such forum or association.

    15. TC cannot be demanded as a matter of right. No application for TC will be entertained from the parents/guardians during an academic year, except on change of residence of the student concerned.

    16. The parent/guardian of the student shall not quarrel or misbehave with the Principal, teachers and other staff of the institution in the school premises or outside or in any way interfere with the administration of the school management or violate the rules and regulations of the school. Such quarrel, misbehavior, creation of such situation or interference in the administration of the school management or violation of the rules and regulations by parent/guardian, on any reason shall be treated as misconduct for issuing compulsory transfer certificate of their children by the school authorities.

    17. The Principal of the institution or the staff concerned is entitled to take appropriate disciplinary action against the students for their misbehaviour, disobedience, negligence, omissions, lack in study or violation of rules and regulations.

    18. Withdrawal of children from classes during school time should be avoided. Parents who wish to take their children to hospital, etc are advised not to send their children to school for a session or a day as the case may be and to send a leave note to the class teacher through the students diary. In
      emergencies, the parent, with the permission of the Principal and the class teacher, can take their wards after signing in the early leaving register kept in the office.

    19. Students suffering from infectious and contagious disease must not be sent to school. In such a case, after the recovery a Medical Fitness Certificate is to be produced.

    20. Use of mobile phones, media players and cameras by students is strictly forbidden in the school campus. Parents should ensure that their wards are not carrying mobile phones, cameras,
      CDs and articles other than study materials to the school.

    21. No change in the birth date or name,etc will be entertained at any point of time

    22. No act of violence which includes physical or sexual abuse, bullying or ragging will go unnoticed or unpunished. Punishment will be commensurate with the gravity of the action. It may vary from suspension in attending classes, collective and heavy fine in case of group offenders and even go to the extent of expulsion.

    23. Students of Amrita are expected to be role models and trend setters. Their general behavior, dress code and class room decorum should be examples for others to emulate. Any tangible violation might lead to strict disciplinary action. The decision of the Head of the Institution would be final in this regard.

    24. Students who are under medication should take prior permission of the school authorities before bringing those medicines to the school.

    25. Medicines used by parents or other family members should not be brought to the school. Parents should ensure that their wards do not carry any medicines or drugs or nay such unauthorized items to the school. If any student is found in possession of such items, strict disciplinary action will be taken.

    26. Mass absenteeism will be dealt with seriously. The school authorities will be within their rights to take any action, which they deem fit, to enforce discipline and order.

    27. Girl students should report immediately to the Principal or school authorities any kind of misbehavior or molestation while at school.

    I, the parent/guardian of the student understand and agree that the discipline of the students in the institution is of utmost importance and I agree to instill such discipline in the
    students. I agree that the management, the Principal and the staff will not tolerate any disobedience, indiscipline and negligence with regard to academic matters including misconduct, irresponsible attitude or rebelliousness of any kind. In such cases, my son/daughter/ward will be liable for disciplinary action, including issuance of compulsory TC, by the school

    I agree that the decision of the management, Principal and staff is final and binding on both the student and parent/guardian in respect of the above condition. I further agree, and affirm that I shall not have any claim, right or demand or grievance against the institution, management, Principal or staff with respect to the implementation and enforcement of the above rules, regulations, conditions and other rules of the school and also on any disciplinary action against my child that may be taken by the Principal or staff in appropriate cases.

    I hereby agree to abide by the rules of the management. I confirm that no change in name or date of birth will be claimed at any time in future. I solemnly declare that the particulars stated above are true and correct.